Mission Update

Mission Wedding Dress
to be completed in eight days or less

Day 1: Remarked on vastness of white
Day 2: Remarked on vastness of white
Day 3: Started search team for poofy petticoat
Day 4: Acessed biggest petticoat. Agreed with search and rescue team that it has a distinct fish smell. Agreed with mission head that the biggest petticoat still lacks in desired poofiness.
Day 5: Made trip to Walmart. Purchased two "Maui Hoops" (formerly known as hula hoops) and three yards of tulle. Set up dress form with a swivel bar stool, two file boxes, and an upside down salad bowl. Got lost in tulle. Re-emerged to find wedding dress approaching desired poofiness.

Problems still to tackle:
How to remove noise makers from inside hoops.
How to keep bright pink and blue patterns on hoops from showing through the white.
How to ascertain that hoops will not keep bride from sitting down nor keep groom from coming within three feet of bride. (Perhaps the true reason that it is considered bad luck for the groom to see the wedding dress before the processional?)

More updates to follow.


get some white electric tape. cut whole in plastic tubes large enough to extract plastic noise makers. tape up the entire hoops, covering the colour and re-enforcing the area of surgical extraction.

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