Newman's Own

As I recently confessed, I've gotten a little out of hand with my coupon use.

Several weeks ago I spent a 75 cents off coupon on two boxes of Newman's Own popcorn.

First, let me advise you to save your 75 cents on something else. The popcorn is kind of gross.

But inside each box of popcorn was a coupon to save $1.00 off of some item from Newman's Own. I didn't want to save $1 on gross popcorn, so I decided to branch out and try some other products from the brand.

That is when I bought a carton of limeade.

Now I should have realized, when one of the first things I did when I brought the popcorn home was to take the bags out of the box, that I did not appreciate staring at Newman's Own face every time I went looking for some item of food.

But taking individual bags of popcorn out of a box is a lot simpler than taking the limeade out of the carton.

So every time I opened the fridge, there was Newman. And so a battle begun. Did I want to leave him in the front so that I would finish the limeade and be able to throw the carton out more quickly? or did I hide him in the back so that he wasn't looking at me every time I pulled out a yogurt?

Frankly, I was having trouble understanding who thought it was a brilliant idea to have a great big face on every product. I mean, who really wants to open the fridge to find something staring at them? What could be more disconcerting?

And then my roommate brought home two eight inch long, whole fish. If they could have smiled at me from their prominent place on the refrigerator shelf, I'm sure they would have.

I'm nearly positive Newman started laughing.


Elena Johnston said…
Newman's Own spaghetti sauce is very, very yummy.

Newman's Own grape juice, not so much.
Tess said…
They put the picture on it, because it's Paul Newman, although it's a bad rendering. Paul Newman is really great looking, especially considering that he's over 80, but he was absolutely gorgeous in his heyday. Btw, I'm a fan of his dressing.
Unknown said…
my housemate is addicted to newman's own lemonade. she can recite the weird story on the back of the carton from memory. (something about running a race in the desert.) in any case, it's good, and i make a point to steal some every time she buys it. thus, i have come to associate the face with refreshing lemony goodness. it makes me salivate like pavlov's dogs.
slowlane said…
Dear Cousin... I find that vaguely disturbing.

On second thought, strike "vaguely" from the record.

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