Know Thyself

Apparently my course of study believes in the wisdom of the charge "Know Thyself".

For this assignment, I am supposed to consider my Myer-Briggs profile and determine how it affects my spiritual formation. I've taken this test a number of times over the years, but the last time I took it my results were very different from the time before. So curious about how my results might change again, I found another version and deliberated over my answers.

But as far as knowing myself, I'm not sure it is all that helpful.

With the exception of the "I" over "E", which presented a percentage of 93 verses 7, all of the other combinations are of equal or nearly equal percentage.

How can this be?

Reading through the descriptions of the eight potential introverted personality types, it seems unlikely that all of these types could exist in one office with some sort of comraderie, much less in one person.

I think the only way these eight introverted personalities could get along together is if they never worked too hard on the "together".

So maybe what I learn from this assignment is that now that I have met myself, I should just leave me alone.


caedmonstia said…
I guess it's a good thing the charge is "Know Thyself" and not "Get Along with Thyself".

Or then again, maybe your results mean that you are an introverted version of the perfectly well-rounded personality!
slowlane said…
Very sweet of you to say so. =)

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