Sticky Notes

I never really understood why sticky-notes were such a hot-ticket item. Sure, it came in handy every once in a while, but certainly not enough to justify buying many little cutesy designs rather than sticking to the classic yellow.

At my desk I had one little pad of the size post-it note that everyone thinks of when you think "post-it note". And it lasted me for more than a year, I think.

And then I began receiving designed sticky-notes as gifts. At first I wasn't all that eager to use them because they didn't stick as well. But then I came to have more than what would fit in my specially dedicated "sticky-note drawer".

The only solution to that problem is to begin to use them in a way that doesn' t require they stick for more than a few short minutes. And so in the midst of training on writing letters, I pulled out my collection and left one sticky-note on every letter. "Great job!" "Nice Work!" I thought I had been saying that in person, but I guess maybe I wasn't. Because suddenly my special sticky-notes with my little messages started showing up on computers and bulletin boards up and down my wall of trainees.

Of course they still don't stick very well.

The other day as I carefully drove the winding drive from work, I passed another person's solution to too many sticky-notes. Who knows the reason (maybe not enough toilet paper?), but they had completely covered a car in sticky-notes of all colors and sizes. Even in the breeze, they were doing a pretty good job of hanging on. But I came close enough to tell that there was nothing written on these notes. And the next day there wasn't a single note sticking around.

So I guess what I learn from this is that the staying power of a sticky note has more to do with the message than with the glue.


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