On Saturday, a day late due to the arrival of a certain somebody and the need to entertain another certain somebody , I turned in my 30 page paper. The thing of it is, even though I titled the document "30 Page Paper" in My Documents, the page count was suspiciously lower... oh, let's say like approximately eleven. I will hasten to point out that it has been many years since I last took a math class, but I think that eleven is not all close to thirty. Perhaps if I had taken more classes in statistics, I could make a graph where eleven is nearly indiscernible from thirty, but I didn't. And this is where we learn another good thing about school: We have opportunity to learn about GRACE. Getting something wonderful, unexpected, and totally undeserved... because friends, I got an A. Grace for sure, because somehow I finished my first semester of grad school. The first week of class, as an exercise in learning how to work with the online format, we were given the exercis...