The Ninety-Fifth Day of Winter

CutieLittleBoy is doing a unit on plants for school. They are going to study phototropism. His assignment is to build a maze for a plant (preferably a vine) to grow through as it seeks sunlight. My assignment is to find a plant (preferably a vine). I stopped at the mega home and garden store in the area. (This is the store where on my very first visit I thought, “I’m going to miss this place when we move away.”) I stopped the first employee in the garden area and asked where I might find some potted plants.

“You mean plastic or real? Real? Oh, I’m sorry, we don’t get any of those in until April.”

I wonder if I will need to sacrifice my teeny potted plant for his experiment. My next stop is for groceries. As I approach the checkout counter, I spy four lonesome potted plants next to the packaged flower arrangements. One of them is a golden pothos in an oversized pot.

I know I’m paying for the pot rather than the plant, but I’ve never been one to easily settle for less than an A.

The plant maze


Vicki Carroll said…
I've been catching up on your posts re: winter, and wishing I could find the thumbs up "like" button. Then I came to this post, and laughed out loud! You are right. You could never settle for anything less than an A! Love you!

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