An Open Letter

Dear Child of Mine,

You can come now.

I know I've been telling you all along that you can come late, but late is now.

I really appreciate your cooperation thus far. The kitchen is clean (until dinner time), the bills are paid for the next month, groceries are stocked, the trash has been taken out, the floors are clean (no thanks to your off balance mother), the pantry is organized.

Doesn't that make you want to come and mess it all up?

Yesterday marked a year since your dad and I bought our little house, and I am happy to report we finally unpacked the last box. And hung pictures. And put out door mats.

So really, we are never going to be more ready for you as we are right now.

Of course, everyone these days is asking about how we've decorated your room. "Room" is a generous term. Or maybe I should say the entire house is your room. You have more clothes than your parents do. And your father complains about how all of his "man space" has become diaper space. However, even though we have sorted and rearranged and donated all manner of our items, there is still a large number of your things that are without a place to belong.

That is why we need to you to come soon so you can put your things away.

I do sincerely appreciate your eagerness to please me. With your help I've been able to cross things off of my to do list that have been there a year or more. But really, you can come now. If you wait any longer, I will run out of excuses to avoid the other aging projects. And I'm not ready to stop procrastinating on them yet.

So this is why, dear child of mine, it is time for you to come. Now.

With love always,

Your Mother


Lorraine said…
Yes indeed, come now little one.
Heather said…
Oh, I understand. Hope your little one comes soon!!!
caedmonstia said…
PS. Your auntie is going crazy waiting for you. And your cousin wants a little friend.

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