An Ode to a Blog Half Forgotten

I think my blog is on the verge of an identity crisis.

The most consistent reason new readers visit here is for the song lyrics I posted to annoying children's songs more than two years ago.

And how can I, in good consciousness, continue to post on a blog titled "Life in the Slow Lane" when I've said I would do what promotes the very antithesis? (work overtime)

But if I stop posting about the things of the Slow Lane, who will carry on? Who will confess to a board member stopping to comment on how she owns nail color the exact shade as I am wearing on my toes, but she only bought it because she knew she would never wear it so it could be seen? Who will instruct on the proper way to wash a car (leave it in the rain) or what to say when an eleven year old calls you to share what he is eating for dinner?

Indeed, I would be tempted to stop posting altogether if it weren't for the fact that this blog is contributing to the sanity of at least one person in this great wide world: me.


Stephanie S said…
And me!
Damian said…
I'm interested to learn how to share my dinner over the phone. Is there a button I can push to send my potatoes and peas over the line?

It doesn't surprise me that to figure out this new technology I should ask an 11 year old.
Sylvia said…
Don't stop! I like everything you write... I read through Bloglines, so it might not show up that I'm reading every post, but I am!
serapio said…
Clearly you are not doing enough to satisfy the market for annoyingness. Where did you go wrong? You've always done so well.
caedmonstia said…
Don't stop posting, because that would definitely be WRONG.
Anonymous said…
I like your blog. It makes me happy. - Kate Saunders
lasselanta said…
You keep ME sane!
slowlane said…
stephanie s: Yay for readers!

damian: "To share you dinner over the phone, please press 4"

sylvia: Comments about liking everything I write are likely to go to my head. I won't protest too much.

serapio: I will invest in some refresher training to better satisfy the market for annoyingness. How much do you charge?

caedmonstia: Might you change your mind about posting if I published the yet-to-be-written hit single "The Day of Caedmonstia's Wedding"? That may also satisfy serapio's market for annoyingness.

kate: Ah hah! Lurkers!

Thanks, friends!
And me, too! Don't you dare stop posting, SlowLane. I need your reminders and your humor. :)
Anonymous said…
I am also reading LIFE IN THE SLOW LANE through an off-site collector, although I do come over here sometimes to read everybody else's comments. Then I find myself rereading a month or two at a sitting. Please don't stop posting. I might suddenly float free from my anchors and discover the need to pester some hot-line somewhere with questions about hypothetical traumas!

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