Fight in the Front Seat

Here at Slowlane Labs we continue with the high quality research you have come to expect and rely on.

And we know you will benefit greatly from this new discovery: Making the front passenger seat of your car both home office and picnic basket may be hazardous to your picnic basket, home office, and passenger seat.

With the rising costs of restaurant meals and the sometimes limited access to previously perceived-as-necessary pantry and fridge space, many of you have no doubt stumbled upon the perfect solution of winter picnics in your car. With a loaf of bread and a jar of PB and J, winter temperatures turn any unused car seat into prime picnic-basket space. Add a selection of snack items, and any day can be a day for the non-work-a-day world of a picnic.

And no doubt if you have ever commuted to work or school, you have taken advantage of the extra minutes in the car when you have arrived a few minutes early or you are waiting for your next class or for the light to turn green, and you have grabbed a book off the passenger seat to read or you have pulled out your check book to make it balance or you have updated your to-do list.

And now you can understand how we at Slowlane Labs knew we must continue our cutting-edge research and resolve the potential conflict created when passenger seat becomes home office and picnic basket. Because of the high quality we demand of all of our tests, we are not yet ready to conclude our study of this project, but we do wish to share the following observations with you:

1. In the front seat, it is easier to balance your check book than your meal.
2. Do not underestimate the peace-keeping role of the UN (Unused Napkin).
3. Plastic is your upholstery's best friend.
4. The distance your fork must travel from dish to mouth should be inversely proportional to the distance between lunch time and laundry day.

Further studies forthcoming...


Vicki Carroll said…
I am so glad to see that all of your training in mathematics and science has paid off. How many other people could have come up with your #4 observation? I'm proud of you!

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