
I think I can tell you almost the precise hour when my Newbaby grew up. I knew it was coming based on a number of factors: his increased hunger, the famous "six week" spurt mentioned in all of the baby development calenders, and the inevitable truth that a Newbaby doesn't stay new for forever.

His growth has actually been the topic of one of the pieces of advice most shared with me:

Don't blink!

The thinking, of course, is that if I blink I will completely miss him growing up because it really does happen that fast.

And so it was that in the middle of the night Friday, my small baby got big. Why can I pinpoint this so accurately?

When I put little T down for the night, he was happily ensconced in a diaper size "N". Three hours later when I needed to change him, the clean size "N" diaper wouldn't fit.

And to think! I missed watching him grow because I was following one of the other most-frequently shared bits of advice: Sleep when baby sleeps.


Especially when your baby sleeps at night - what bliss! ;)

Loving your writings on motherhood!
Sylvia said…
and next his youngest sibling will be leaving for college! :(
slowlane said…
Thanks, Emily. =) I take your praise as coming from an expert since you follow so many good Mommy blogs. =)

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