New Parents and Their Reasoning Powers

S.O.S. and I might need more sleep.

As we were parking our car at the post office the other day, a man carrying a huge diaper box crossed in front of us.

I'm not proud of this fact, but I started thinking how I could distract the man long enough to put my address in the "to" spot. Or maybe after he left the box to be mailed I could sneak behind the counter and change the address.

I hadn't really come up with a good way to make sure the box was mailed to me, but it turns out S.O.S. was brainstorming on his own.

"Ok," he said, "I'll take him out with the car and you grab the box."

The thing is... if we had been getting more sleep, we probably would have realized just how unlikely it was that the box was still full of diapers.


Vicki Carroll said…
You're right. You DO need more sleep. Or maybe you could potty-train TJ early.

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