Weight Watchers, Vance White, Personals and...

Granny Cam.

I've decided I need a granny cam. Most of the world knows them as nanny cams, but it's not the nanny I'm worried about.

And before CutieBoyBaby's wonderful grandmothers take offense, it isn't the grandmothers I'm worried about either.

Each Wednesday my son goes to Weight Watchers and takes his nanny along. Maybe it is the other way around, but you would never know from the stories that come out of it.

For it isn't only CutieBoyBaby and his nanny that go to Weight Watchers. Three of my co-workers meet them there. Including my boss.

Four women and a baby. Let me clarify. Four women at the "Grandbabies!" stage of life and a baby.

Like I said, I want a granny cam.

It is not that I don't hear about things that happen during CutieBoyBaby's time at Weight Watchers, it is that I do hear stories.

One day I hear about the not-yet-granny entertaining CutieBoyBaby with her glasses which he promptly gagged himself with. She took it away and gave him a pen instead. The others jumped on her before anything more came of that.

Another time I hear of CutieBoyBaby and the personals ad, complete with picture, "he" texted to the infant granddaughter of the first-time granny. He invited her to share a romantic dinner of rice cereal and mashed banana.

And then about the assistance he gave the self-renamed Vana White for the final presentation of the newest gotta-have-it product. I'm told "Vance" held the product for display perfectly -- until he started chewing on it.

And did you know that the quickest way to get a fussing baby out of his car seat is not to have three women trying to unbuckle him simultaneously?

From the stories I hear, those 45 minutes of Baby at Weight Watchers I would catch with my granny cam just might make the best weekly reality TV show ever.


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