New Year's Resolutions

I am making a slight deviation from my usual habit of providing New Year's resolutions for all of my faithful readers.  What follows are goals I would like to accomplish, but I invite my readers to take these as their own also.

1) Learn the skill of simultaneous output.
There are people skilled in simultaneous translation and people skilled (?) in the special breathing techniques required to play the didgeridoo; I want to learn how to simultaneously recite One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish at the same time as answering emails or proofreading documents.  I would even settle for the intermediate skill of reciting Dr. Seuss while participating in a conference call or strategizing for my day.

2) Convince computer programmers that even though they are quite used to working with code, most people are not. Plus, real languages are so much more beautiful and helpful.
What could follow here is a lengthy rant about all of the programs, etc., that have done away with perfectly clear worded menus in favor of icons, symbols, and barely discernible graphics. You are not reading the lengthy rant not because I have not written it, but because I wrote it in one of those "We care what you think" comment boxes and submitted it to the great void. Funny that they did not provide a keyboard of hieroglyphics for us to share our opinion but rather expected us to use real words.

3) Obtain another set of eyes in the back of the head.
I know each mother is supposed to come equipped with eyes in the back of her head, but I think the next logical step is to obtain a look out in the back of the child's head. Of course a mother is never going to know everything her child is up to, but an extra set of eyes to give the general location of the child seems like a good progression.


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