7 Romantic Ideas for the List-maker's Spouse

Not that anyone in our house ever makes lists (no, never!), and not implying that if there were such a list-maker that her spouse would need suggestions in the romance department (quite the opposite, actually), and, one more disclaimer, as in all romantic endeavors, it is wise to not overdo things.

1) Notice the List. If your honey is a list-maker, it is a pretty good clue he or she thrives on the sense of accomplishment. And what, I ask, is accomplishment without acknowledgement? If you have not been gifted with a keen sense of observation, take a peek at your honey's list now and again. Then you can say with confidence "Honey, thanks for dusting the floorboards, they look great!"

2) Take a Cue from the List. Unsurprisingly, list making and the Love Language "Acts of Service" coincide frequently. If you've got a few spare moments, skim the List to see if there is anything you could do that would give your spouse the satisfaction of crossing something off without the trouble of actually needing to do it. 

3) Add to the List. By all means, do not overwhelm the list-maker by adding your own list to his or her List. Yet done carefully, you can romance him or her by adding choice items to the List. Ideas you might try include "Ask me for a back rub" or "Call me for a quick hello."

4) Hide the List. Combine this idea with other romantic plans for the best result. Plan to use great caution so as not to produce undo anxiety in the list-maker. However, preventing the List from being referenced could help the list-maker step away from the perpetual "to do" and better enjoy the romantic escape. (Make this even better by incorporating idea number 2 beforehand.)

5) Accept a List. If your spouse is a list-maker, chances are he or she has an idea of a few things that should be on your To Do list, if you were to have one. Whenever you are up to it, ask for that list. And if, heaven forbid, you are given a list without you first requesting it, accept it as graciously as you can.

6) Banish the List. There are the lists written on notebooks, napkins, and envelope scraps and then there are the lists never written but always present just the same. Whenever you are made aware of these haunting lists of inadequacies and perceived failures, do your best to banish them quickly.

7) Create your own Lists. Even if you don't come by list-making naturally, create a few lists of your own, such as "Things I like about you" or "Reasons I want to grow old with you." Your favorite list-maker might just come to see that, after all, the best lists are the ones with nothing crossed off.


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