Thank You Notes

(The official word is that this is me writing a thank you note. I would appreciate all of your vows of secrecy.)

But when you have just been through the third bridal shower in as many days, and with two additional showers in recent memory, there comes a time when you must stop and blog about it, regardless of exactly how many thank you notes are waiting to be written.

And, for the sake of all of my dear loyal readers who have survived far too long without a post of some sort, I write.

First, I would like to enter a new malady into the great big book of syndromes: Shower Thumbs. This is what happens when you tear open the wrapping on packages. It is akin to multiple paper cuts, but easier to survive because of the fun of tearing into brightly wrapped gifts.

Second, I would like to mention some of the most interesting gifts SOS and I received. Of course, the gift that takes the "weirdest-what-on-earth-are-we-going-to-do-with-it?" prize is the XXXXXL (yes, that is 5XL) T-shirt we got since "two are becoming one." If it weren't for the size of the neck hole, I think SOS and I could both comfortably fit in it along with a baby elephant. (Well, maybe it wouldn't be quite so comfortable with the baby elephant.)

Thirdly, I would like to recommend that perhaps the most effective punishment for a teenage boy who decorates a car with many hearts and gushy phrases about "just showered" is having him ride in it.

Fourthly, if I hadn't just lived through it, I wouldn't have believed that they could be so utterly different (and yet none of them played my least favorite bridal shower games!).

Fifthly, how on earth did SOS and I find so many people who love us? We may not have a home waiting for us when we get back from our honeymoon, but I we are so incredibly wealthy.


Matthew Carroll said…
Well, if you don't have a home when you get back from your honeymoon, you can camp out at our place for a month -- we'll be in Brazil, so you can continue your house-sitting tradition even into your married life! :-)
serapio said…
This is what you get for trying to get away with just one wedding.

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