One Man's Trash...

One day, in mid-pregnancy, S.O.S. and I were out for a drive and a large truck bearing the picture of a bag of Sun Chips turned onto the street in front of us.

I yelled "Follow that truck!" Because right in that moment, there was nothing that sounded as delicious as eating an entire bag of Sun Chips.

Now for those of you who know me, this might sound slightly out of character. S.O.S. thought so, too.


"No, I mean, yes. I mean, no. If we did go buy Sun Chips, then the advertising on that truck will have worked, and that would make me feel like I had given in."

But three minutes later we were pulling into the Vons parking lot, at my request, to find some Sun Chips.

S.O.S. drove the car around the parking lot while I ran in, went straight to the chips aisle, and found a bag of temptation itself.


The noise of the bag nearly made me jump. What was wrong with it? Some new-fangled packaging that was biodegradable... and extra noisy. How was I supposed to sneak as many chips as I no doubt would want to when the package was so horrendously noisy? I scanned the aisle to see if any other less noisy chips appealed to me, but no, only Sun Chips would do.

So out the door with my thunderous bag of chips.

Fortunately, S.O.S. had learned much by this point, and pretended not to hear my hand's many trips into the bag.

Fast forward several months. Wednesday I decided it was time to finish off the sad, lonely remains of that first bag's younger brother still in my pantry.

As I held Baby in one arm and tried to pour the last crumbs in my mouth (without choking) with the other, I noticed how my wiggly baby suddenly wasn't. And then I remembered the ancient bit of advice regarding using tissue paper or foil at Tummy Time. This bag was ever so much more crinkly than tissue paper or foil could even dream to be.

So on to the floor went the empty bag covered with a blanket and then topped with a Tummy Time baby.

Frankly, the results were amazing. Never before has this Tummy Time baby been so happy for so long. I was thrilled, and was eager to show the new trick to S.O.S. when he returned home.

And that is when he told me about the sad news he had heard as he pulled into our driveway: Sun Chips is getting rid of that bag. Their sales have gone down because the bag is too noisy. Even Facebook has a group dedicated to this fact.

But what about my perfect Tummy Time accessory? That bag is designed to deteriorate, and I can't have that happening. The motor development of Baby and any younger siblings depends on it!


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