Vacation 2013 Day 2

I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but we caved.

Friday night at 8:23 found us racing to the Disney Store to purchase annual passes so we wouldn't need to stand in line Saturday morning. Don't ask us exactly how we justified the purchase, but let's just say this month we are eating out of the abundance of our freezer and pantry supplies rather than accomplishing our normal grocery routine in an attempt to diminish the impact to our savings.

And look... standing in line to meet Winnie the Pooh:

And with the stubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff:
Really, believe me, it was meant to be... I mean... we just happened to be at Pooh's Thoughtful Spot for the only 15 minutes when all of our favorite residents of the Hundred Acre Woods were there to take pictures. I know this still doesn't quite justify a spur of the minute purchase of annual passes to Disneyland, but look at those eyes!

Pooh Corner was clearly a hit. CutieLittleBoy requested we ride the "Pooh Train" several times, which we figured was a good sign after we made the mistake of riding the Disneyland train through the prehistoric display of dinosaurs devouring each other and lava casting eerie glows on everything. For a brief while I was afraid our train-loving kid was going to be terrified of ever getting on another train again. Pooh Train to the rescue.

Mom and Dad each got a turn on our favorite rides, too, and knowing we have another year to get around to the other fun rides and caramel apples makes it lots easier to enjoy a slower day of kiddie-rides and napping on the monorail.

Plus, I tell myself, it really was a sanity saver for us to buy passes rather than just a one day ticket. CutieLittleBoy has switched out his request to ride a "bus/train" to a very specific request to ride the "Pooh Train". Our lives will never be the same.


Vicki Carroll said…
Take me, take me!

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