Day Six: Fort Bragg

Trains vs. Trees. Tell me quickly: which one is longer?

We were oh so tempted to catch the touristy Skunk Train in Fort Bragg and take it on its scenic route. We were even willing to sacrifice four hours of our precious drive-while-both-kids-sleep time to take the oldest one on a train.


But then we saw the cost and we realized we could go a lot farther on a train for that price, thankyouverymuch.

And then we saw the train.
Yep. That's it.

SOS took the kids down to the railroad crossing while I took pictures from our balcony overlooking Highway 1. CutieLittleBoy, so excited to get to see a train, was not impressed. He kept asking to go see a long train. And yes, we are glad we were not skunked by the Skunk Train. (We've been told this is one of the downsides of traveling out of peak tourist season. They use a cooler looking train at other times.)

And then we drove the Avenue of the Giants. The Coastal Redwoods are the tallest trees in the world.

If you were to zoom in on this photo, you might be able to see a small blue speck near the line of horizon. That's me standing at the base of the fallen tree. SOS took this picture while standing near (but not at) the top of the tree.

Trees beat the train by a mile. Okay, not quite a mile, but definitely a millennium.


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