Four Thoughts to Close Out 2014

As the last few minutes of 2014 slip by, I offer you a few scattered thoughts for your edification. (Or maybe I am just hoping to diminish the number of unfinished drafts in my blog post file.)

1) Hotels are so worried about saving the planet through water use. Reuse your towels, and all that. But have you ever noticed how many hotel showers have the hot and cold faucets switched? I can assure you, that is not a water saving feature.

2) I hope SOS and I do not turn out to be a prime example of parents who drag miserable kids around on all of our adventures. I'm thinking the fix is all about controlling PR. We'll hang on to the pictures of them smiling and photoshop their grouchies out of the vacation slideshow. Keep the picture of them reveling in the feel of water gliding through their fingers… and not the picture of them crying and misbehaving on the Golden Gate Bridge.

3) I'm not worried about being nickeled and dimed to death. It's those quarters…the endless march of quarters that bothers me. Thus my wrinkled toes, my jeans rolled up to my knees, and the bathtub full of clothes. And as if the non-stop flow of quarters weren't enough, there's that whole challenge of coordinating the corralling of children and clothing with the unpredictable use of semi-public laundry facilities. Isn't it alarming to consider that it is easier to wash a basket of laundry by hand (or foot, as the case may be) than it is to use the occasionally functioning facilities a mere stairway down the hall?

4) The year 2014 marked ten years of my blogging. If I add the posts of this blog with what I've written professionally, this year I wrote my 1,000th blog post. Does that mean I'm ten percent of my way to being an elite blogger? Another 90 years of blogging ought to do it.

Here's to fame in 2104. Happy New Year!


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