Where Struggles Seem Endless

God has a sense of humor. Do you suffer from any doubts?

Today, delivered by UPS, I received two rocks in the mail. Genuine stone from a riverbed in Iowa.

It seems that I was in need of a Stone of Help, so God sent me two in the mail.

I'm not mystical enough to have you believe it was Heaven as the return address. No, the return address was the very earthly place of Carol Stream, Illinois: the publishing house for the Bible I contributed a dozen essays to.

The very Bible I was reading through when the rocks were delivered.

The very Bible I was reading to try and encourage my spirit in the midst of a wee bit of overwhelm regarding my current writing project and its fast approaching deadline.

Sometimes God encourages His people through His Word recorded generations ago, and sometimes He encourages His people through the gift of two stone tablets.

Of course, my two stone tablets are rather different than the ones He gave His people on Mount Sinai. But they are engraved with a message. Engraved on one side is the title of the Bible and the publication date. On the other, the subtitle.

And that subtitle, gentle reader, that subtitle is the perfect reminder for a writer who has been wrestling with the daunting task of completing my current writing assignment before its deadline.


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