The 7 Habits

I've seen several variations on the book "Seven Habits of the Highly Successful" and after considerable research, I would like to introduce the abstract for my own version which shall be entitled "Seven Habits of a Tyrant or The Miseducation of a Toddler." I have done all of my research by watching what several Chinese have encouraged my charge to do.

1) Hit faces
2) Hit faces, arms, shoulders, etc with combs, rakes, toys, etc.
3) Stand on desks and counters
4) Chase after money
5) Eat two inch sugar crystals
6) Tear cards
7) Play with cell phones and other easily broken items.

Now granted, some of these were taught by a woman who I think is considered foolish by her own countrywomen, but I am curious as to why so many people think it is excellent fun to teach a baby to hit people on the face. Someone suggested that maybe it is the cultural equivalent to those people in our culture who buy the noisiest toy possible for their friends' kids. Whatever it is, this is one confused baby we have on our hands.


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