Defensive Driving

Today, due to the combination of my age and my position in a certain non-profit organization that sometimes requires me to drive, I had to take an online tutorial on defensive driving.

One of the questions went like this:

To determine the right following distance, first select a fixed object on the road such as a sign, tree, or overpass. When the vehicle in front of you passes the object, slowly count to what number?

A) One thousand
B) Two thousand
C) Three thousand
D) Four thousand

I know it has been a few years since I took drivers ed, but I think if people counted to even one thousand to confirm that they weren't tailgating, most people would never get out of their driveway. And if they did happen to get out on the road, I'm not sure I want people trying to count to one thousand while they are driving. I'm sure they would lose track somewhere around 356 or start wondering if they had ever counted through the 400s. Personally, I think it would be safer for people to talk on their cell phones while driving than trying to count that high.

Oh, and by the way, the answer is C) Three thousand.

So the next time you wonder if you are tailgating, make sure to count slowly to three thousand.


Elena Johnston said…
your position within a certain non-profit organization, huh?

exciting news there seems to be!

and by the way, i laughed so hard i almost cried.
slowlane said…
The problem with being general is that there is lots of room for confusion. The non-profit organization that I had to take this tutorial for I have been a part of for the past year. The tutorial is new, thus the requirement is new.

Although... there may be exciting news with regard to another non-profit organization in the near future.

Maybe, maybe, maybe.

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