
I've been clutching my agenda recently like Linus holding his blanket. It's not nearly as cuddly, but it's become equally essential for my well-being. It is probably even as dirty.

My day planner used to fit inside my purse, where I would occasionally pull it out to jot down appointments or brilliant thoughts or whether the child I was babysitting was supposed to eat yogurt for lunch or not.

But then my key chain started collecting keys to houses and the inside pockets of my purse began to bulge with accessories I planned to put on while driving to work. And so my agenda moved out.

But even as my purse became as overloaded as a nomad's camel, I suddenly required my planner to remember trash days and pets' names and what I was supposed to do last time I found myself with internet access.

Yet there is a problem with such lists of things you are remembering not to forget. The lists get so terribly long and reading through it makes you think that going to bed early is the best course of action. And when morning comes, you flip open to the new day, quite easily forgetting to remember what had been put off until today.


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