Grand Ideas

In the middle of a busy Saturday morning in the shopping district, among all of the sights and sounds and pressing close of people and taxis, I caught a glimpse of what must be the real reason I came to Peru: grenadias.

Grenadias are grand ideas: a passion fruit shaped like a grenade (hence the name) full of little juice covered seeds resembling fish eggs.

With a description like that, you might wonder why they are grand ideas, but as a kid grenadias were a special treat, more desired than chocolate even.

Perhaps it was because we only were able to get them when we were staying in Bogota. Or maybe it was because we were only each allowed one or maybe even only a half. Or maybe it is the combination of sweet and tangy and slippery and crunchy and the fun little bowl the shell makes.

But when more than ten years of searching comes to an end in the middle of a busy street, on a crowded sidewalk, there is only one solution: pull out some money and make a purchase.

Of course in such a moment there is no use in trying to ignore the voice of my inner child, especially when the suggestion she gives is such a grand idea... Buy more than one!


Brian said…
grand ideas:

A stand-alone poem.

I'm glad you went.
I'm glad you're home.
caedmonstia said…
I want one.

I have looked for them here. They SHOULD grow here. But I have never seen them. I guess I will have to visit Peru.

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