Translational Swiss Cheese

Normal communication at its best is like swiss cheese: It has holes. The holes are what is not understood or what is lost even before leaving the mouth of the speaker.

And, as we all know, translating adds more holes.

And if you happen to like cheese and all you get are holes, it can be quite disappointing.

So with my translating abilities ("leather" instead of "neck" and "brakes" instead of "braids") I've been giving out a lot of holey cheese.

But occasionally I can cover up one of the holes spoken, I can put a little more cheese back into the conversation. Of course, no one realizes the shifting holes but me, but that is probably a good thing: no one wants to eat cheese that moves.


Unknown said…
i have heard on good authority, however, that the best swiss cheese is the cheese closest to the wholes. thus, the best tasting block of cheese is the wholiest.

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