The things I plan for

I may not have the slightest idea what color scheme will tie together "my" special day but I've been planning the important things: how I will write thank you notes.

When the course of the day typically includes writing between five and 25 letters, you have to plan for writing any additional correspondence, (Can we use this excuse to pardon the delay in my response to personal emails?) and thank you notes following a wedding certainly qualifies as additional correspondence. So I've been planning.

First and foremost is the need for appropriate stationery. I hope this will justify the acquisition of some way snazzy cool note cards. Kindly forget the fact that I already have well over two hundred blank thank you note cards in my possession. I suppose one of these days I will have to find a Stationery-ics Anonymous. Of course, I don't have a problem with it yet. I could quit whenever I wanted to.

Secondly is the question of keeping the text of the message alive and fresh, never downgrading into roteness and triteness. At work whenever we can forecast an increase in mail, we like to draft sample responses in advance so that it won't take us too long to meet the increased need. The advantage of wedding registries is that you can have a fairly accurate idea of what gifts you will be receiving and so a glowing thank you note can be written for the bed sheets that you know will coordinate quite lovely with the wall hanging. The small snag here, of course, is for the items that are rather small and usually come combined with other things. Apparently continued planning needs to go into this area.

And thirdly is the concern of a good ink pen. I've seen several suggested wedding schedules, and while a number of them recommend a tasting with the caterer, I have yet to see one tip regarding a testing of the thank you note pens. Do the wedding pros not realize the seriousness of this issue? How many times have you gone to write something only to have the pen fail on you half way into the message? My point exactly.

Yes, one of these days I really should get around to deciding what kind of dress I plan to wear (atleast the color choice is easy), but don't say I'm not planning.


caedmonstia said…
Yes, hmmmm.... I think you might be the only person I know who starts planning her thank you notes before her dress.

Don't write my note too early because I plan to get you something outlandish that won't match with anything, ha ha ha.

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