
Yesterday I spoke with a woman who told me she's been receiving advice to divorce her husband. He's a great guy, works hard to pay the bills, loves his family... but he makes too much money.

"Too much money" in the "we can't pay our medical bills" kind-of way.

I've known for a long time about "marriage penalties" and people losing health care benefits when they get married, but this is the first time I actually heard first-hand from someone who had been told to divorce her husband so she could get help... "Everybody's doing it."

Where are the protests, the mass campaigns, the well-funded advertisements and societies fighting for the rights of this woman, and thousands of others like her, to be married?

Oh, that we could protect the rights of people to keep the vows they said before God and man "in sickness and in health... until death do us part."

Instead it is even worse. Not only does this woman have the right to divorce her husband, in some states she would have the right to death with dignity. Medical insurance in Oregon might even recommend it as the only approved medical treatment (Read here).

These are not the unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator.


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