
In all of the numerous options that people have when choosing their car, how come no one offers to change the blinker speed? There are some cars that would be quite nice, except that they have the insistance of a hyper chihuahua when it comes to changing lanes. Seriously, people need to think about this. With all of the road rage issues around us, hyper chihuahua cars on the freeway do not help. The rapid flashing of lights increase tension and convey urgency when safety would be better encouraged through calm and patience.

Now, I'll admit, the Bugle's turn signal is so slow that I sometimes think it fell asleep between flashes, and since the untimely demise of the front left of the car, it sounds more and more like it could use a defibrillator, but that helps me to remember that if I happen to miss changing lanes because no one saw the blinks, the worst that can happen is that I will end up driving for fifteen minutes in the wrong direction until I find a traffic light that allows U-turns.

But alas, the Bugle's end is near, and as strongly as I feel about the speed of turn signals, I can't pass up an otherwise wonderful car just because it morphs into a woodpecker afflicted with ADHD as soon as I want to change lanes.


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