Building a City

For a very long semester in eighth grade I had a computer class where the main assignment every day was to play SimCity. I would have preferred to do typing practice, but the only exercises were typing the same couple of sentences over and over and over again.

So, in the war between two insanely boring activities, SimCity won out.

Except there was that time when we were supposed to print out our city and then we all graded each other on the end result. I seem to recall that people didn't like how I colored the ground.

Anyway, if you haven't gotten the main point of my story so far: SimCity bored me to near death.

But this week I am really looking forward to building a city. One of the families I babysit for is leaving for a week and, this is the best part, they are leaving all of their building toys! Super delux Thomas Track; race car track with sand traps and burning hoops; Matchbox cars of nearly every make and model; Tinker Toys; Matchbox garage, fire station, car spinner; Legos; farm animals; Little People playhouse... and then there are all of the things in the other two toy boxes.

For weeks now I have been imagining the super cool set up I could build if I had free access to all of those toys. With the kids there I have to deal with things like the occassional fist fight, potty accident, temper tantrum, tumble into the entertainment center, soccer cleats in the refrigerator, and not being able to move because one (or both) of them is sniffing my feet.

But with an entire week to build... so exciting!


Anonymous said…
Can I come over and play, too? (Mom)
slowlane said…
You can come and play if you promise to not have any fist fights, temper tantrums, or wear your shoes when you climb into the refridgerator.
caedmonstia said…
Remember to build in public bathrooms in your city. The ground can be any color you want

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