
In Los Angeles, you never can tell when you might run into traffic. Even on a five lane highway in the middle of a weekend, you should never be surprised when traffic slows dramatically. It merely provides you with an opportunity to conjecture.

For who knows? It might be a three car (plus moving van trailer) caravan, driving in the middle lane, going 20 mph slower than the rest of traffic, with their hazard lights on. Who knows why they decided they needed to have their hazard lights on. But maybe they figured it was a good defensive move. Let all of Los Angeles drive like a mad man, these poor souls from Arkansas warned the world they weren't playing by the same rules, and let the world pile up behind and then rush on by.


Matthew Carroll said…
Lemme Tell Y'a Story 'Bout a Man Named Jeb!
Anonymous said…
On my way back from the anniversary party, last night, traffic on the 210 slowed almost to a stop. What was the cause? An accident on the other side of the freeway that people apparently wanted to oogle at.

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