Under the Weather

Recently my desk has been under the weather.

Or maybe not under the weather, but I think it has been under everything else.

I've got more piles on one end of my desk than ...

I forgot what comparison I was going to make. Which brings me to the point: I can be sitting at my desk sorting a stack in my lap into four temporary stacks on top of five less temporary stacks and forget which stacks are which.

It has gotten so bad that others are even commenting about the situation:

"Wow, you have so many piles on your desk... I guess those are our piles, aren't they? I can't wait until I am trained so that I can take care of some of those piles."


"Look at all your piles! What is this funny one here, tucked behind your computer?"

It used to be my rule that I could not go home for the day until all piles were resolved or neatly tucked into a file.

Now my rule is I can't go home unless the piles on my desk will be discernible to me as separate in the morning.

And then I hope that no tornado-force winds come through while I am gone.


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