The Seventeenth Day of Winter

Last night SOS and I were talking about the gorgeous days we've been having. Yes, it hasn't made it much above 40 degrees, but we've had sun! and minimal wind!

Thus, we decided that it was an excellent idea to plan a hike and a picnic after church.

The day started gloomier than we had expected, but it was still going to be warm, right?

We dressed a little optimistically.

After church someone in the row behind us struck up a conversation and when we mentioned our lunch plans, he agreed that we were having a lovely, mild November. It is the nicest November he ever remembers! I mean, last year, there was only one day in November that ever made it above freezing.

He didn't think there had been much picnicking last year.

So a few minutes later, we were on our way.

Let me stop here and comment on a few other times when we've been a little over-ambitious and under-prepared for lengthy walks: hiking an island with almost no food and water. Searching for a national monument with a map not drawn to scale.

Fortunately, this walk wasn't going to be that long. Unfortunately, SmilesBabyGirl was not able to maintain a pace sufficient for keeping us warm. Not to give up too easily, our hike to a picnic spot became a hiking picnic and SOS carried two children to and from our destination.

But, lest you believe we were being utterly fool-hardy, we passed many others who were out enjoying the beautifully warm weather.

Doesn't that look like perfect picnicking weather?

The view of the capitol.

Here is our family selfie at the turn-around point. Notice how pink our cheeks, noses, foreheads, and ears are? Even after being home for awhile, we still looked like boiled lobsters.

This is what a duck looks like on a day that is 37 degrees and foggy.


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