The Forty-Second Day of Winter

At 1:00 in the afternoon it looks sunny and as warm as today is going to get. says it has warmed all the way up to 26 degrees (although it feels 10 degrees cooler), it must be time for my bike ride.

For the first stage of my work out, I wrestle my bike out of the solidified snow bank. Then I bang enough ice free that my wheels can move. I don't bother taking all of the icicles off, though. People pay good money to add noisemakers to their spokes. Today I get mine for free.

The icicles and I bicycle five and a half miles together. The more we hang out, the more we have in common.
I think the "wintry mix" is probably responsible for these icicles, too. 


Unknown said…
Are you seriously bicycling in the snow in Wisconsin? Or is this humorous fiction writing?
slowlane said…
Serious and non-fiction. The roads are cleared, though, so it is not like I am taking my bike through snow drifts.

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