Proof-reading Co-op

Out on the Mommy-blogs, I occasionally hear mention of a baby-sitting co-op, wherein Mommies exchange babysitting through a system of points, and everyone gets to benefit from the skilled childcare provider that is also called Mom.

I think in the work-a-day world (as opposed to the Stay at Home Mom world, which is the work-night-and-day world) someone needs to begin the proof-reading co-op.

Really, I'm not sure how much more explanation I can come up for it, because it seems like such an obvious need that I can't figure out why it isn't already in place.

Although, maybe I can. Because come to think of it, a great percentage of what I proof-read leads me to believe that in an exchange I would come out poorly. And I'm one who misspelled "grammar" until I was in college.

But seriously, something has got to be done. If for nothing else than greater peace of mind when something I write gets mass-produced and sent around the world.


Vicki Carroll said…
I could help you with the proof-reading. =)
Anonymous said…
Hey, this is a good idea!

It's easy to catch mistakes other people have made, and then you realize, whoops! missed a few of your own. :)

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