Under the Mattress

Back when all of my belongings were contained in a 9x10 room, I got into the habit of taking two months worth of gas money out of the bank and keeping it in a little cubby of my bookshelf.

Once in my nomadic life, however, it was no longer practical to keep my money in the bookshelf, and thus the problems began. Of course I tried to maintain some of the same thought processes that led me to choose that particular cubby as an appropriate place for my cash, but sometimes it made sense to go with the book theme, sticking the money inside the front cover of the likeliest looking book, and sometimes it made sense to go with the cubby theme, tucking it safely out of sight in one of the boxes, whether it be for Tupperware, shoes, or everything else.

But then money technically qualifies as "important papers" so maybe I put it in the bag of mail I need to sort through; but it is also something I should probably have on hand when I travel, so maybe it is with my flashlight and extra film.

And so it goes.

But at least I never got into the habit of hiding money under my mattress. I've slept on ten mattresses since that far a way 9x10 room, and checking under all of them for the missing cash would be the greater chore.


caedmonstia said…
I guess I should borrow shoes and books from you more often. But I won't bother borrowing your mattress.
serapio said…
I think I've slept on two mattresses since my birthday, seven months ago: one night in Shanghai, and two nights at Nathanael's birthday party. I would have trouble keeping money under my mattress too.

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