
My homework this past week included interpreting this piece of artwork (by Lon Kauffman) as if it were making a statement about social justice.

Just for the record, I am much better at deciding what a piece of artwork says and then showing how it says it than to try and figure out the authorial intent.

I mean, isn't it obvious that this is about social justice?


Unknown said…
hmmm. i would never have thought social justice, i would argue rather for mystical ascent.

though that could be predisposition against social justice things and toward mystical ascent things. it might also be noted that both have strong journey motifs in the associated art styles.
caedmonstia said…
I was pretty sure it was about Egyptian Pharaohs.

But I guess that would have to do with social justice, in a way...
Matthew Carroll said…
Hmmm, the first thing that came to my mind when looking at this picture are the following familiar words...

On a dark desert highway,
Cool wind in my hair,
Warm smell of colitis,
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance,
I saw a shimmering light,
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night...

Definitely mystical.

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