
More than a decade ago, while a guest at someone's home, I was privileged to watch a TV interview with an expert in car fashion who showcased the new paint colors that would eventually grace car exteriors. At that time, I thought it a rather bold statement, as he said with utmost certainty "In ten years, our cars will be these colors." A year or two ago I first caught sight of a car in one of the hues I remembered and I was amazed. Since then I have seen a steady increase of others.

I bring this up because I really want to rant about a different trend and it seems gauche to leap right into a rant without some sort of lead in.

Why on earth must everyone assume that jokes about chocolate are the way to the attention of an audience of women? Now, I like chocolate just as much as the next person (I am drinking a cup of hot cocoa as I type), but I don't understand why chocolate is such a laughing matter.

Okay, so that is the end of my rant for right now. Thanks for stopping by. And now, as a point of interest, I boldly declare that there will not be a trend towards rants on this blog in the coming years.


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