Big Girl

I'm beginning to think that I need to schedule "Big Girl Days" on my calendar... days when I will be grown up enough to schedule appointments and fill out reams of paperwork, days when I will not procrastinate for months about making a phone call.

Maybe I didn't do enough of this sort of thing in my "pretend play" as a kid.

And now my make-believe pretending is that if I put off being a big girl, it will somehow be easier.


sarah marie said…
I am a major phone-procrastinator, too. As a matter of fact, right now I'm procrastinating on making three phone calls, one about a gig and two about rescheduling violin lessons. I'm totally fine with going to gigs and giving violin lessons - it's the phone calls I hate!

By the way, your french bread link doesn't work. :(
slowlane said…
Someone told me today "You have come so far! Just to think that when you first started working here you couldn't make a phone call..." I quickly said "I still can't make a phone call."

She was a little hindered in her praise after that.

Thanks for letting me know about the expired french bread. =)
Vicki Carroll said…
I don't know....You've been mini-mom, taking care of the rest of us, since you were about 2 years old. That was a "Big Girl" thing that you've done for quite a while. And we are a family of phone-aphobes. =)

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