A Day in the Life of... 89 Days

Today the count-down brought us to 89 days and I thought I would share with you what this particular day looked like for Slowlane the Bride-to-be.

5:55 Slowlane opens her eyes, sees what time it is and closes her eyes.
6:30 Slowlane's alarm clock goes off and in reaching to turn it off, she finds the thermometer.
6:32 Through a highly scientific method evaluating her temperature, how many times she had to open her mouth to breathe during the temperature taking process, and the number and productivity of coughs and the number of kleenexes needed before 6:30, she decides she is well enough to go to work.
6:55 Slowlane sorts through her recent pay stubs trying to find the most recent ones for verification of her income for the meeting later in the day.
7:40 Slowlane remembers why it was she was going to get up early when she gets to the kitchen to eat breakfast and sees a sink full of dirty dishes.
8:06 Slowlane finally leaves for work and sees she missed a phone call from S.O.S. She calls him back to give him the number of the wedding officiant.
8:20 Slowlane arrives at her desk twenty minutes late and settles into work.
10:28 Slowlane writes to her boss's boss to get clarification on an issue regarding her boss being out of town.
10:31 Slowlane receives a call from her boss in India and learns she has not been getting emails.
11:14 Slowlane finishes forwarding emails and returns to her own desk to begin writing letters.
12:28 Co-worker comes by with the offer of excellent packing boxes and Slowlane realizes that 89 days before the wedding also means 89 days before moving.
12:45 Slowlane begins eating her lunch while proof-reading co-worker's letters.
1:27 S.O.S. text messages saying he is running late for their two o'clock meeting.
1:40 Slowlane walks outside to meet S.O.S. and is met by a woman wanting to know what our organization does and whether she could be helped by it. Slowlane realizes the person this woman needs to talk to is her, whips out her business card (#7 of 500) and apologizes about going on lunch break.
2:00 S.O.S. and Slowlane meet with a mortgage broker to discuss buying a house.
3:38 Slowlane returns to the office and checks her mailslot to find a package returned from Germany.
3:38:48 While manuevering the package out of the mail slot (and listening to a voice message from the bridal shower planner and returning a text message), Slowlane is asked to stop by someone's desk to approve scheduling of a meeting for website training.
3:44 Slowlane arrives at her desk to learn that the printer malfunctioned in her absence and needs her attention.
3:51 Slowlane eats more of her lunch while a co-worker stops by to get a second opinion about throwing away spectacularly awful books.
3:56 Slowlane translates three sentences another co-worker needs for radio transcripts.
4:12 Slowlane finishes writing the letter she started at 11:14. And begins to return calls.
4:28 One caller asks to call back in five minutes and then another caller is transfered through and Slowlane talks super fast and manages to hang up with three seconds to spare before first caller calls back.
4:45 Slowlane hangs up with suicidal caller and begins writing notes.
4:49 Per request, Slowlane autographs two copies of the first ever book to have her name on the title page (Contributing Editor, and no, the book is not yet available for purchase).
4:51 Frequent Caller Child calls to talk about the forcast of freezing rain and Slowlane continues writing notes while trying to ask appropriate questions about footwear for those kinds of days.
5:10 Slowlane walks to the parking lot with co-worker to fill her trunk with hand-me-down wedding supplies.
5:15 Slowlane returns to her desk to finish notes and straighten piles and grab the two packing boxes which are perfectly sized for the wedding supplies.
5:43 Slowlane swings by the post office on her way home to mail first batch of wedding-gift thank you notes.
And last, but not least, finish the day with some canned vegetarian chili with a hot dog thrown in (Slowlane Kitchen special).

What will the next 88 days be like?


caedmonstia said…
Hey I especially like the part about the vegetarian chili with hot dog thrown in. It sounds like my favorite recipe, fatty hamburger patty fried in olive oil.

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