The trip of a life time

With the help of a borrowed iPod, I hope to entertain you, my faithful readers, with the riveting account of a trip across the country and back again.

My beloved husband has always wanted to take me to see these great United States. I've been to more countries than US states and he wants to change that. Thus the railroad trip around the four corners of the country. Details to follow.

But now that I am testing my ability to blog on this borrowed iPod, I realize my beloved husband may have another goal for this trip... To realize how much better our life could be if we didn't have to borrow.

Sent from a borrowed iPod


sheri said…
Have fun beckers! We love you.
serapio said…
Is your iPad autocorrecting "iPad" to "iPod", or are you really typing on a iPod?
slowlane said…
It is an iPod Touch. Not the easiest thing to type on, but doable. :)

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