Island Weather Forecast: Fine

Rain, sprinkles, or sun. Cool or warm. Windy or no. It's all fine.

At least that is how the weatherman describes it.

CutieBabyBoy likes turning on the radio, although skimming channels here just isn't the same since there is only one station.

This one station broadcasts a lot of variety in the style (traditional island songs, oldies, classic rock), but not overly much detail in forecast.

"For the northern group[islands]: moderate winds, moderate seas, moderate swells. Fine. For the southern group: moderate winds, moderate seas, moderate swells. Fine. For the capital of Rarotonga: Fine."

Day after day, we listened to get a hint at temperatures or rain forecast, but no. "For the capital of Rarotonga: Fine."

We've been teasing each other about being on island time, not caring what our watches say. Maybe on a true vacation, you don't concern yourself with the weather either.


or Absolutely Awe-Inspiring.
Everything is just fine.


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