Tuesday, June 26, 2012: Read your cereal box

I've often considered myself to have a reading addiction: anything with words must be read. The addiction part comes in when I see it again 2 seconds later and have to read it again. And again. And again.

But for having a reading addiction, I sure got myself into trouble by missing some key information. I'm fully expecting to be found on the sand with my belly so distended that people will mistake me for a beached whale.

I'm hoping that I am being over-dramatic, but only time will tell.

It all started simply enough, I wanted some cereal for our breakfasts. All of the cereal in the grocery store that looked familiar was way more money than I wanted to pay. And besides, what is the fun of traveling to an exotic location if you stick to all of the safe food choices?

But I saw some Muesli and remembered enjoying it on a number of occasions in far off locations. So I brought it home and this morning I ate a great big, giant bowl of it. A little odd texture, but yum yum, yummy. And when I was three bites away from the end, I finally made it from the back of the box where I was reading the fascinating story of the founding of the company, to the front of the box where it announced "Cooks quickly or easily soaks overnight."

Neither of those are actions I typically employ for my morning cereal routine. And I'm more than a little concerned by the serving sizes on the side of the box next to how much the dry cereal expands to when cooked or soaked.

My concerns run along the lines of why you don't throw rice at weddings in consideration for hungry birds or why you don't sample bread dough.

Maybe I should have paid the $12 for a box of Corn Flakes.

Too late for that now, though. For now, it is off to the beach, hoping there are no sightings of bloated whales.

[Update: Obviously, I did not die. I even ate the same breakfast again the next day, and the next. And then I went grocery shopping and did a more thorough job of reading before buying. Which is good, since I narrowly avoided buying special "women's cereal", and who knows what the consequences of that would have been for poor SOS and CutieBabyBoy.]


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