The Good Life Gets Better

I'm another year older tomorrow. I have a new 'do (shorter than it's been in decades), but other than that, tomorrow will be much like today.

CutieBabyBoy will wake up and set off to accomplish his to do list:

1) Empty every toy box out on the floor
2) Follow promptly with laundry hamper
3) Even out the floor coverage by emptying the plastics drawer and the pantry shelf of canned food.

I may rush through the last stages of showering and getting dressed so that I can carry the little boy out for his weekly date with the trash truck (Why don't waste management companies offer ride-a-long programs? I'd have no need of childcare.). I will go to work and come home for dinner with my husband, and I will be thirty.

That's a good life.

But one thing I lack. This one thing only: an active blog.

So today I'm changing things. Starting tonight when this posts at 5 pm, there will be a new post every day.

Well, at least for a few weeks. I'm starting with my long overdue blog posts about our vacation this summer. Armchair travelers, you have a two week trip coming up. I hope your passports are current.

And then, I had so much fun writing up our vacation that I just kept writing. And once I had so many posts, what's a few more to round it out at thirty? For some reason the number thirty just sounds good to me right now.

Granted, I'm not quite there right now. If I have to cheat at the end and just put up posts of CutieBabyBoy, try not to hold it against me. But for now, you've got thirty days of Living in the Slow Lane. Thanks for the gift of celebrating my birthday with me this way.


Lorraine said…
Great to see you back here... can't wait to see you tomorrow with the transformed look.
lasselanta said…
Thirty days of slowlane! I am so excited. Thank you for giving out gifts on your birthday. Happy thirty!
Sylvia said…
I'd be perfectly happy with pics of CutieBabyBoy any time you're strapped for time! :)

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