Bales of Hay

There is something so aesthetically pleasing about a field of freshly baled hay. I don't know what it is exactly. It isn't the fresh mowed look, because I'm not fond of the buzz cut field. It might be the neat little "boxes" spaced at even intervals but I've seen hay wrapped in white plastic in the shape of huge wheels that I find fun to look at, too. Perhaps it is the simple fact that the bundled hay is proof of work accomplished and it gets to sit so that everyone can see it. Most things that people do disappear. The whole question of "Why should I make my bed" springs from that uncomfortable knowledge. But with bales of hay, you do the work and let it sit there all by itself and everyone can see that YOU have done your work and are just waiting for the sun and the air to finish it and while you wait, things look nice and clean and neat.

Then again, maybe I just like fields of freshly baled hay because it looks nice and clean and neat.


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