Trash Day

Today I walked my trash to the curb.

Some people walk dogs. I don't have a dog. Some people walk babies. I don't have a baby. Some people walk cats. I have a cat, but I don't particularly feel like walking in place while my cat sprawls on the cement, as I have seen this method modeled.

I do have trash. So I walk my trash.

It actually has great benefits. If I pull it behind me, the faster I go, the less I smell it. If I push it in front of me, it provides great motivation for an anaerobic work out. It also does a pretty decent job of fulfilling the role of a rotweiler: it keeps people at bay. Maybe someday I will write a new diet and weightloss plan and call it "Getting Rid of the Garbage."

The only problem I forsee is that Trash Day comes only once a week.


sarah marie said…
Oh yay, Becka! You finally have a blog! I've thought for ages now that you should have one. I look forward to many more posts and hours of wonderful reading!
Anonymous said…
What I like about trash where I live, is that you never know when trash day is. Also people don't walk their dogs, they just let them run around on the street looking for trash to eat. So a lot of times I take my trash out and then later I go out and dogs have ripped it open and taken all the unsavory items inside and strewn them all about the street or sidewalk. I like this a lot. It is fun to see your old trash again after you've forgotten about it, kind of like greeting an old friend that you'd thought had died.

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