Life in the Slow Lane

Grandpa, you're driving too fast.
I'm not in a rush to get anywhere.
But I'm still on the freeway.
I had better let those people pass me.
Because I'm just sitting here, cruise control set at 50.
Oh, hey. I like your bumper sticker.
Don't mind me.
I'm in the slow lane.


Claytonian said…
will you have frequent updates? Or slow lapses in between?
Anonymous said…
For those of you who like the idea of living in the slow lane, I recommend you move to Visalia, a lovely little town without much interesting to do. My favorite thing to do when I visit Visalia is read the obituaries. It's good to catch up on who's dying these days.

For those of you who think Visalia is the worst place on earth, though, you should visit LA. I have never figured out why people live there. It would be a nice place if there was a really good system of public transportation though (and if people were required to use it).

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