The Ungame

There is a um... something named "The Ungame." It comes in a box that looks kind of like Monopoly and it has a board and "game" pieces, so I would be inclined to call it a game, but as its name is "The Ungame" if I called it "The Ungame game" everything would be cancelled out except for "The."

Anyway, for many years, my family was lucky enough to own this "The" and then one blessed day my family was lucky enough to get rid of this "The" by donating it to a group garage sale.

For those of you unfamiliar with "The" it is a classic 70s Christian game. There can be no winner and their can be no loser. Think "Truth or Dare" without the dare part and with pre-printed truth questions that you might find in a book entitled "1,000 Questions To Start Conversation"(Oh, and don't forget the ungame board and ungame pieces).

So let's review.

It has a box like a game, a board like a game, pieces like a game. So what about it requires that it be called "The Ungame"? I'll give you three seconds to guess.




It's not fun!

Now you may wonder how a "The" with so much to recommend it fared at the charity garage sale. Certainly some good-hearted soul might have purchased it for the sake of charity.

But alas, no.

Curiosity, after seeing said "The" at the bottom of a pile at the thrift store, prompted me to look up "The" on e-bay. There are 16 different "The"s ranging in price from $19.99 to $1.99. However, the only one that has any bid at all is the one priced at $2.49. And that person probably is buying it to give as a white elephant gift.


serapio said…
Curiosity, after seeing said "The" at the bottom of a pile at the thrift store, prompted me to look up "The" on e-bay.So... how often does curiosity go peering into thrift stores?

Because of your lack of prior infractions, the grammar police will let you off with a warning.
slowlane said…
Believe me, it is frequently indeed that curiosity goes peering into thrift stores. If curiosity killed the cat, it can do a lot of other things, too.
Matthew Carroll said…
I have something almost like the "The", only without the box, board, pieces. It actually is called 201 Great Questions, and on the back it claims to be useful to "help you: start conversations, stimulate discussions, lead small group Bible studies, strengthen existing relationships, talk about the issues of life in a non-threatening, relaxing manner."

It's like the "The" without the disguise.

Here at random is a sample:
#82 - What part of your life right now do you think is "on hold"? What has to happen before you can move on? Is this "on hold" time best described by fear, uncertainty or excitement? Why?

#55 - Do you believe that God has only one perfect mate for everyone?

#200 - Under what circumstances would you be willing to kill another person?

Somehow I doubt that last one would have been found in the original Brady Bunch edition of "The".

Also remarkable is that you can now lead a small group Bible study without a Bible.

While we are talking about good questions, here is one I came across today:
"If Jumpin' Jack Flash is a gas gas gas, at what temperature would he become a solid?"

You can find the answer at
caedmonstia said…
I was concerned that since I hadn't had time to pollute cyberspace lately with unproductive thoughts and futile questions, that there would be no one else to do it. I am happy to see that you all have been covering for me.

I am busy moving, again. This will be my fifth house since coming to Brazil. When I get my stuff all in the right place you can all be assured I will make up for lost time, making my contribution to insuring that cyberspace continues to be an absurd and cluttered place.
caedmonstia said…
Now, what if you were stuck in solitary confinement except the inmate in the neighboring cell had made a hole to your cell, and all the two of you had was the Ungame. Then would you think it was fun?

And Mathaikan, I think your version should be titled, "Questions to Sift Down Your Pool of Prospects". It sounds like one of those singles games.

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