Momentary Ideals

In a momentary surge of political activism, I decided that instead of shopping at the mega-huge corporation, I would shop at the big corporation. For those of you who are concerned that I may have gone off the deep end, don't worry, I chose a modest purchase to practice my ideals: one file folder priced at 79 cents. I agonized over my purchase, because after all, I think I could have found it for 38 cents at W- super center, but I had committed myself, and I'm not one to easily back down.

So at the counter I pulled out my wallet and realized that I had 23 cents in change, not counting the 10 cents Canadian that someone slipped me, and then a five dollar bill. I tossed my five dollar bill on the counter, but the cashier didn't take it and instead asked me what change I had. I poured it out and he fished through his pockets until he came up with sixty-five cents. Pushing my three pennies back to me along with the five dollar bill, he handed me the receipt and my folder and wished me good day.

Service with a smile and a pocket full of change. A girl could get used to that. It just is too bad that I need the folder in an hour and I left it in a car that won't be back for six hours. I may just have to stop by W- on my way to class.


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