
While I am taking a break from my normal, heavily intellectual posts, I will note that Elena tagged me for this:

Four Jobs I've Had:
1) Traveling Nanny
2) Museum Curator (So it really wasn't a museum, it was just a really big house and I just cleaned it sometimes... but I did end up spending one entire day cleaning the suit of armour.)
3) Care Provider to a 42 year old child
4) Sales generator person or something. I was one of those easily hated people who get your address and then give it to a company so they can bombard you with promotions. I promise I only did it for a short time and I asked everyone's permission before I took down their address. I promise.

Four Places I've Lived:
1) V-Town (Draw a line through the center of California both vertically and horizontally and where the lines meet, that's V-town. Just don't get stuck in the middle of V-town and need to call AAA. I've heard it takes awhile to figure out whether you are in Northern California or Southern California.)
2) Colombia, South America (Just under the second "o" on the map.)
3) La Mirada, California (If you were a good spitter and could spit from an airplane as it approached LAX, you could hit La Mirada.)
4) Santa Gertrudes Avenue, on the part that no city wants to claim.

Four Vacations I've Taken:
1) Seven weeks in Europe, visiting 11 countries, eating 49 Continental breakfasts (consisting of a hard roll and strange cold cuts), 23 lunches and/or dinners consisting of pizza, and 23 dinners and/or lunches consisting of Chinese food.
2) Two weeks in Belgium, sharing a house with three bedrooms and three bathrooms (none of which had a properly functioning door) and kayaking down rivers backwards, trying to create kind excuses for why so many French tourists were laughing at us.
3) Three days in Yosemite wherein cademonstia and I united and peacefully subdued the violent forces at work on the Risk board.
4) Two days in Engenho Verde, Brazil... look for pictures and details soon.

Four Vehicles I've Owned: (Only if we take "owned" in a loose sense.)
1) Buick Regal '92... the magic glove box that never shuts (or, conversely, never opens), the brakes that scare every new driver into thinking there are none, and the incredible capacity to fit six people inside with seat belts and another three in the trunk without (It wasn't my idea, and it didn't move an inch while it was so, but I like the statistic.).
2) Nissan truck '78 (?)... The "Little Gold One", also the most well educated truck I have ever seen. It deserves a pat on the head and life long sponsoring in your will.
3) Pink Banana-Seat Bicycle... The main reason for most of my scars.
4) um...

Four Bloggers I'd Like to Tag:


serapio said…
Hey don't insult that truck. It's only an '85. A _young_ classic.
slowlane said…
To get home today I had to jump start it.

On the way home there was consistent squeeling when accelerating from a stop until I smelled a strong burning smell and then there was no more squeeling.

Does anyone want to borrow the truck long enough to get it fixed and then bring it back to me?

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