Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: This is funny!!1

When I first started working at the office, I thought that it must be the place that all forwards go to die.

And then I realized it was even worse than I feared. They didn't die. My co-workers were solely responsible for an additional nine lives.

Once, an e-mail came in to our main address that had a picture of a bridge. It claimed that if you forwarded it on to 5 people, something cool would happen. Somehow, somehow, I got two copies of that e-mail. I don't understand how we could discuss the silly ridiculousness of forwards and yet it take two tries to admit that nothing cool happens.

And then there are the kinds of forwards where the "something cool" is warm fuzzy thoughts but if, and only if, you forward it to six other people. So co-worker A sends it to B,C,D,E,F, and G. Co-worker C sends it to D, B, F,H, I, and J. Co-worker J sends it to A, D, E, etc., etc., etc.

This phenomenon astounds me. What does passing along a forward communicate?

I wish I could figure it out.

Because I have a couple of really funny ones I could send you.


Anonymous said…
That's what blogs are for. =)

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